San Diego Traffic School

San Diego Traffic School

Got a ticket in San Diego County? Remove points from your license and avoid insurance premium increases with our online traffic school. Our DMV-approved course is convenient, easy, and affordable and provides you with 24/7 customer support and course access.

Once you pass your final exam, we automatically report you to the DMV for free. The DMV reports you to the court, but you can also instantly download your certificate for proof of completion at no extra charge. Avoid sitting in a boring classroom for hours. Take your San Diego County traffic school online from any location with internet access at any time. With videos, visual aides, and easy-to-understand language, our course fulfills your traffic school requirement while entertaining and teaching you.

Register and begin your San Diego County traffic school today!

San Diego County Ticket and Traffic School Information

If you would like information on San Diego County courts, traffic tickets, or traffic school information, visit the county court website or traffic division here:,1272147&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
List of San Diego Cities and Communities

Not sure if you received your ticket in this county? Listed below are San Diego County’s cities to better serve you.

Masking your traffic ticket and saving money by avoiding an increase in your auto insurance premiums are the goals of our San Diego traffic school. Users can feel confident that our San Diego County traffic school is accepted by the California DMV and fulfills the eight-hour traffic school requirement for the state of California.

Stress-free, convenient and certified are the highlights of our San Diego online traffic school. In just eight hours, you can complete the course and have your certification sent electronically to the DMV within 72 hours. You can also take our traffic school in San Diego over a period of days, just make certain that you’ve completed the course by the traffic due date set by your California traffic court.

The course is designed with an easy-to-follow format and interactive animations. With the interactive animations, learning is fun, engaging and time simply flies by. There are 11 modules with a quiz at the end of each. At the very end, there is a final exam covering important facts from the modules.

At The Online Traffic School San Diego, our customer service reps and technical support teams are available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns. Taking the San Diego traffic school online is the surefire way to take advantage of today’s technology from your home computer.

There are relatively few requirements for attending traffic school in San Diego County. In general, you may attend if the following applies:

  • Your driver’s license is valid.
  • You were driving a noncommercial vehicle when the offense occurred.
  • Your ticket involves a moving violation. (Examples include speeding, Making an unsafe lane change, running a red light, not stopping at a stop sign, etc.)
  • You can attend traffic school once every 18 months

Also, the court should have provided paperwork for you when you opted to take a traffic school.